Tuesday, May 8, 2007


How the hell did I pull that off?

The university posted grades today. I somehow miracled a 3.5 GPA. Not bad for a schlub just getting back into the classroom after 10 years, but I can't help but wonder how I pulled it off.

More to follow.


kissyface said...

uh... cause you're smart? duh!

Citizen H said...

Wow, KF. Never thought I'd see the day you learned to italicize. Congratulations, and thank you!

Glenn B said...

School is much easier once you are an experienced adult. All your life experience, makes it easier to learn. Truth be told, an old dog can learn new tricks quicker than any puppy. I know because I did likewise when i went back to school.

kissyface said...

but H, I've been italicizing for eons now! y'all taught me how. now you just have to school me in capitalization...

bulletholes said...

Good Job!!! I'm about to go back after 30 years...e3xciting and now you give me something to shoot for so...
What is a GPA? lol

Anonymous said...

As if there ever were any doubts that you would kick ass. Dood, you're a genius. Keep givin' 'em hell!

Anonymous said...


You are definatly a braver man than me, at my age I never think of going back to school.

Congrats again, buddy